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Organically Inspired. . .


This image is a prototype of a sculpted pendant that’s been rattling around in my head for months.  It was in the greenware state in the photo, meaning it was still fragile, but when it comes out of the kiln, it will be solid bronze.  Then, I’ll start playing around with patinas to add some color to the piece.  If all goes well, you might see a new set of pieces from me based on this concept.  I need to play with the design to make sure I can bring something fresh and unique to the ubiquitous tree motif.

I’ve been in an experimental phase recently.  I’ve just been accepted to the Buyer’s Market of American Craft show next February, and mind is racing with new ideas for collections I would like to develop before that show.  That process of developing collections is filled with great leaps in creativity and productivity interspersed with hours of slogging through trials, missed marks and flat out failures.  The ultimate key to success, in my opinion, is the ability to edit the options, keeping only the best interpretations of the idea and leaving the rest in the scrap pile.  It’s difficult and emotional, but the results can be so satisfying when you present a body of work that makes you proud.

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